
Art of the Luggage Label

Vintage and travel are two of my favorite things, so this is one of my favorite flickrs:
Art of the Luggage Label.
I can't help daydreaming when I look at these beautiful labels.

Song (favorite too): There's too much love - Belle and Sebastian


Primavera Sound 2013

Feliz feliz feliz después de la gala del Primavera Sound ayer y del cartelaco que se han marcado. 
Fantástico el vídeo para presentarlo. Ya estamos contando los días... Best festival ever!

Sooo happy after Primavera Sound announced the complete line-up for its 2013 festival, which takes place from May 22-26 in Barcelona. Counting the days... Best festival ever and brilliant animation video!


Nicholas John Frith

I've just discovered the work of illustrator and designer Nicholas John Frith.
I LOVE it.


Send More Mail

Me encantan los sobres, los sellos, las postales, escribir cartas y poner mil pegatinas para decorarlas.
Con lo poco que cuesta, y la felicidad que da encontrar letra escrita entre tanta factura...
Deberíamos llenar los buzones de cartas.

I love envelopes, stamps, postcards, writing letters and put a thousand stickers to decorate them. 
Little it costs, and the happiness to find some handwriting among so many invoice... 
We should definitely fill mailboxs with letters.

Song: Box full of letters - Wilco 

Photos: Send more mail


Happy New Year!

New year's card from: Ma+Chr